This site and our sub-sites are still under construction at this stage, some of the links do not yet work as the content is not yet there, others might work but will take you to a site that is not yet fully embedded with Not Ashamed as a sub-site and so web addresses may change (links will of course be updated). Thank you for your patience – if what you are looking for is not yet live then please do get in touch or keep checking for updates.
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Why Not Ashamed: Creative Discipleship?
Not Ashamed is an umbrella covering and supporting many different areas of creative discipleship & ministry. As happens with creativity it is ever changing and expanding but this website is here to share with you the things we do. It is headed up by Rev Simo (AKA Rev Simon Faulks), an Anglican Priest, storyteller, performer & evangelist.
Not Ashamed: Creative Discipleship?
Not Ashamed is about who we are.
Creative Discipleship is about what we do.
Not Ashamed?
As mentioned above, Not Ashamed is about who we are (I am). Paul writing to the Church in Rome states
I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes… (Romans 1:16)
This is a verse that has inspired me for many years, it is a prayer for the way I want to live my life and that I might also be an inspiration for others to live by the same motto ‘I am Not Ashamed of the Gospel’.
Why creative?
The first two things we learn about God through the Bible are firstly that God is creative, he created the world and secondly, that as part of his creation we are created in his image; we are created in the image of a creator. We too have a creative side (although we acknowledge that this is different in each of us.)
Why discipleship?
A disciple is someone who follows in the teachings or disciplines of a teacher or leader. Two key things that Jesus said on the matter are:
“If you obey my commands (follow my teachings) then you are my disciples”
“Go and make new disciples teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you”
So why Not Ashamed: Creative Discipleship?
Our aim is to unashamedly reflect the Godhead: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, by being creative in our own discipleship journey along with encouraging and equipping others both through using the creative gifts we have been given and helping others to discover theirs and reflect creatively on God’s word to grow in faith.
What we do…
Training and workshops
Click the title above to find out more about the training and workshops we can offer including ‘Enter the Story’ or to think about how we might be able to help with something customised for your needs.
Rev Simo
Rev Simo is a teacher and evangelist using story telling and sometimes circus and illusion to share something of the Gospel with his audience. He can provide shows for all age outreach events, Alpha suppers, school events and many more. Rev Simo can also provide Circus Workshops for children and adults (makes a great team building event).
Click the title above to be taken to the Rev Simo sub-site.
Not Ashamed: Music
Not Ashamed Music is in the very early stages of development and has two strands to it, these are:
– Not Ashamed: Not a label
– Not Ashamed unsigned play list
Click the title above to be taken to the Not Ashamed: Music sub-site and find out about some of the bands and musicians we work with and how we can support you,
Not Ashamed: Photography
This is a place where Rev Simo shares some of his passion for Photography – images can be purchased as prints and other media and used for worship.
About Rev Simo…

Hi, I’m Rev Simo. First and foremost, I am a disciple of Christ. As a disciple I am called to be a husband and a father, I’m also an ordained Priest within the Church of England. I am a storyteller, circus performer and illusionist and I try and use these three together (sometimes with the odd song thrown in for good measure) to communicate what I believe to be the most important message you will ever hear. The message of the Good News of Jesus!
My Vision
I am passionate about seeing people’s lives transformed through the love of Jesus, as people come to know Him for the first time, or are drawn to know him more. It is a great privilege to be able to be involved in seeing these things happen through the ministry God has called me to.
Why Rev Simo
A number of years ago I arrived at a conference and picked up my badge to find a spelling mistake, the ‘n’ was missing from the end of my name. Being a youth work conference this seemed to work and so the name Simo was born, with later ordination and the development of my first show that became Rev Simo.